Thursday, November 9, 2023

What are Google Ads extensions (Now Google Ads Assets)?

Ad extensions (Assets) allow you to create your ad with additional information, such as links, phone numbers, images, prices, and more. Ad extensions(Assets) can help you attract more clicks, improve ad quality, and provide a better user experience. There are two types of ad extensions: manual and automated. Manual extensions require you to set them up yourself, while automated extensions are created by Google Ads using data from your account and website. You can use different ad extensions depending on your business need, campaign type, and format. Some of the most used types of ad extensions are:

● Sitelinks Extension

● Callout Extension

● Structured Snippet

● Call Extension

● Message Extension

● Location Extension

● Affiliate Location Extension

● Price & Promotion Extension

● App Extension

● Automated Extensions

Sitelink Extension:- 

Sitelink assets are a type of ad asset that allows you to add more links to your ads, leading to

specific pages on your website. For example, you can use sitelink extension to motivate

users to your product categories, special offers, contact information, and more. Sitelinks

can help you increase your click-through rate, improve your quality score, and provide

a better user experience while browsing your website.

Sitelink Extenions in Google Ads Photo

Sitelink assets can be created for use at the account, campaign, or ad group level.

You can add up to four headlines and descriptions to each sitelink, and Google Ads

will automatically select the best combination to show with your ad. You can also use

dynamic sitelinks, which are generated by Google Ads based on the user’s query and

your website content.

Callout Extension:-

Callout extensions are a type of ad asset that allows you to add more text snippets to your Google search ads, highlighting specific features or benefits of your products or services. For example, you can use callouts to highlight free shipping, 24/7 support, or a satisfaction guarantee. Callouts can help you to increase your click-through rate, improve your quality score, and provide a better user experience by knowing your Unique selling proposition (USP).

Callout extension in google ads example photo

Structured Snippet Assets:- 

Structured snippet extensions are a type of ad asset that allows you to add more information

to your Google search ads campaign, highlighting specific aspects of your product or service.

Structured snippets show below your text ad in the form of a header

(for example: “Destinations”) and a list of values (for example: “NewYork, London, Toronto”).

Structured snippets can help you increase your click-through rate, improve your quality score,

and provide a better user experience by offering a range of choices to users.

Structured Snippet Extensions in google ads photo

To use structured snippet extensions, you need to choose from a list of predefined headers

that are relevant to your business, such as Amenities, Brands, Courses, Degree programs, etc.

You can then add up to 10 values for each header, which should be specific examples of

the header category. For instance, if you choose “Brands” as your header, you can add

values like “Apple”, “Samsung”, “Dell”, etc. You can add structured snippets at the account,

campaign, or ad group level, and schedule when you want them to appear.

Call Extension:- 

Call extensions are a type of ad asset that allows you to display your phone number

in your Google search ads, making it easy for potential customers to call you directly

from the search results. Call extensions can help you increase your click-through rate,

improve your quality score, and track the number of calls generated by your ads

because they can engage directly with your business.

Call extension in google ads photo

Message Extension:- 

Message extensions are a type of ad asset that allows you to display a message

button in your Google search ads campaign, helping users to send you a text

message directly from the search results. Message extensions can help you increase

your click-through rate, improve your quality score, and generate more leads and conversions.

Location Extension:- 

Location extensions are a type of ad asset that allows you to display your location

information in your Google Ads, such as your business name, address, phone number,

and directions. Location extensions can help you attract more customers to your

physical locations, improve your ad quality, and measure your offline results.

Location extension in google ads photo

To use location extensions, your Google Ads account should be linked with your

Google My Business account, google my business (Now Google Business profile)

is a free tool that allows you to manage your online presence across Google.

You can also choose your locations from lists of business chains created by Google,

which are curated and verified for accuracy and coverage.

You can add location extensions at the account, campaign, or ad group level, and

schedule when you want them to appear.

Location extensions can appear in Google Search, Google Maps, YouTube, and the

Google Display Network. They can also show with other ad extensions, such as call,

message, or sitelink extensions. Depending on the device and the ad format,

location extensions can show as a standard text ad with your location and

phone number, a clickable call button, a map marker, or an image.

Affiliate Location extension:- 

Affiliate location extensions are a type of ad asset that allows you to display the

locations of nearby retail chains that sell your products in your Google Ads.

Affiliate location extensions can help you reach consumers who are looking

for your products and want to buy them from a physical store. Affiliate location extensions

can work with Search, Display, and YouTube campaigns.

Affiliate location extension in google ads photo

App Extension:- 

App extensions are a kind of ad asset that allows you to highlight a link to your mobile app in your Google Ads text ads. App extensions can help you increase your app downloads, reach more customers, and improve your ad quality. Users can easily download your app and use them.

App extensions in google ads photo

Automated Ad Extensions (Ad Assets) in Google Ads Campaign:- 

Automated extensions are a type of ad asset that Google Ads automatically generates and displays with your ads when it predicts that they will improve your ad performance. Automated extensions can show additional information, links, or features that make your ads more relevant and useful to potential customers. For example, automated extensions can show your business location, phone number, ratings, or sitelinks.

There are different types of automated extensions that Google Ads can create, depending on the context of the search and the data from your account and website.

Automated Ads Extension in google ads

Some of the most common types of automated extensions that appears in google ads are:-

Dynamic sitelinks: These are additional links that show below your ad, leading to specific pages on your website. For example, if you run a restaurant, your assets

might include links with the following display text: Hours, Menu, Delivery.

Dynamic structured snippets: These are predefined headers followed by a list of values

that describe a specific aspect of your product or service, such as brands,styles, types, or features. For example, if you sell shoes, your assets might includea header like “Styles” and a list of values like Boots, Sandals, and Sneakers.

Seller ratings: These are ratings from customers who have purchased from your

website or from third-party sources. They show as stars and a number of reviewsbelow your ad. For example, your assets might show “4.5 stars - 1,234 reviews”.

Call extensions: These are phone numbers that show with your ad, allowing usersto call you directly from the search results. For example, your assets mightshow “(123) 456-7890”1.

Message extensions: These are buttons that show with your ad, enabling usersto send you a text message directly from the search results. For example, yourassets might show “Text us for more information”.

Location extensions: These are location information that shows with your ad,

such as your business name, Business address, Business phone number, and directions.For example, your assets might show

“ABC Store - 123 Main Street, City, State - (123) 456-7890- Directions”.

Affiliate location extensions: These are locations of nearby retail chains that

sell your products in your ads. For example, if you want to sell electronics,

your assets might show Available at Best Buy, Walmart, or Target.

Price extensions: These are product and offer-focused extensions that showthe prices of specific items with their descriptions. For example, if you sell laptops,

your assets might show Dell Inspiron - $499 - 15.6 inch HD display,

8GB RAM, 256GB SSD Memory.

Promotion extensions: These are event and discount-focused extensions that show your special deals and sales for a limited time. For example, if you sell

clothing, your assets might show

“Black Friday Sale - 50% off everything - Nov 26 - Nov 29 - Promo code: BF2023.

App extensions: These are links to your mobile app that show with your ad,

allowing users to download your app directly from the search results. For example,your assets might show “Download our app - ABC Store - Free - Rated 4.5 stars”.

You can view and manage your automated extensions in the “Ads and extensions”

section of your Google Ads account. You can also opt out of certain types of automated

extensions if you don’t want them to show with your ads. However, we recommend that

you use all automated extensions that fit your business, as they can help you increase your

click-through rate, improve your quality score, and provide a better user experience.

When do Ad Extensions or Ad Assets Appear in Google Ads :- 

Google Ads extensions are not guaranteed to appear every time when your ad shows up

on a Google search. There are several important factors that decide whether your

extensions will appear or not in Google-sponsored search results, such as:

Ad rank and position in Google Search Ads: Your ad rank is an indicator that Google assigns to your ad based on your bid, your

quality score of ads, and the expected impact of your extensions. Your ad position is

the order in which your ad appears on the google search results page. If You Ads get higher

ad rank and position, then chances are high that ad extensions or assets will appear

below your Google search ads.

The type and format of your extension: Some extensions are more compatible with particular types of ads or devices than others.

For example, image extensions are only available for mobile devices, while

call extensions are more likely to show for high-intent queries.

Google Ads will automatically select the most suitable combination

of extensions (Assets) to show with your ad, depending on the context of the search

and the available space in search results.

The performance of your extension: Google Ads will also check how good your extension performs in terms of clicks,

conversions, user experience and interaction rate. If your Google Ads extension

has a low click-through rate, a high bounce rate, or negative feedback in search results,it may not show as often as other extensions.

You can analyze and optimize your Ad Assets or extensions performance using the assets

report and the combinations report in your Google Ads account and improvise them to getmore clicks, conversions, and sales.

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